
Why Most Traders Never Succeed?

Most traders never succeed because they trade without a quantified system with an edge, they trade too big, and they trade based on their emotions, ego, and predictions not price action. This is the opposite of what is needed to be a successful trader. A successful trader uses a quantified system with an edge, trades it with proper position sizing, and follows it with discipline regardless of how they feel or what their opinion is.

Best Investors of All Time Returns

Best Investors of All Time Returns

Alpha (α) is used in investing as a measure of performance of returns of an investment or investor returns that are higher than a relative benchmark index. Alpha is the term used in investing to describe an investment strategy’s ability to beat the average market returns with an edge. Alpha refers to excess return or abnormal rate of return is in contrast to the academic theory that markets are efficient and no way to beat them consistently.

Michael Burry Book Recommendations

Michael Burry Book Recommendations

Michael Burry is a famous investor that made his fortune shorting the housing market in 2007-2008 using derivatives. He manages Scion Asset Management, LLC. He’s a deep value investor looking for stocks below fundamental company value. He will also sell short stocks that are fundamentally far too high based on intrinsic current and future company value.

5 Biggest Mistakes Young People Make

5 Biggest Mistakes Young People Make

Young people have the benefit of time but the weakness of a lack of experience. Learning from others who have been successful can give a young person the edge on making better decisions with exponential returns over time. Here are ten of the biggest mistakes that most young people do and what to do instead.

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